Speaker Interview: Drew Poland

Tim: What’s your WordPress “origin” story?

Not quite as memorable as others; just your garden variety web developer who realized WP was easy for clients to use, growing at rapid speeds, and allowed me to spin up sites without having to rebuild or construct all the components I would need on even the most basic project.

Tim: Whats your top 3 WordPress plugins? Why?

  1. Page Links To – I use the Core UI a lot to create custom content areas with CPTs for things like advertisements, sliders, so I use this plugin OFTEN.
  2. GravityForms – No explanation needed? Just works and is highly extendable.
  3. Tie between CPT UI & ACF – If I’m not building a custom functionality plugin for a project I lean on these two plugins to do a lot of heavy lifting for me and to get code siloed away from the theme and presentation of the site.

Tim: Whats your most proud achievement around WordPress?

Helping build a community in Baltimore. We’re an odd city full of aggressive people moving quickly, so getting everyone into 1 building for a day of ANYTHING is a fine achievement I think.

But seriously, its hard to pick one as the WordPress community itself has given a lot of us (members and users) tons of opportunities to give back and grow both personally and professionally.

Tim: What do you want our readers to know about you?

I’m much nicer than I appear. haha!

Tim: Define yourself with one word.

Awesome-sauce (that counts as one word, right?)

Drew is pretty awesome and so is the community he’s helped build in Baltimore. We’re excited to have Drew talk about Freelancing. You won’t want to miss it!